
We transcribed the population’s registers starting from year 1669 and we designed a huge genealogical tree of all families, with branches in the whole world.
Would you like to share your experience or simply find your roots? Do not hesitate to contact us. You won’t regret it!

Abbiamo trascritto i registri della popolazione di Corippo dal 1669 al 1960. È in fase di elaborazione l'Albero Genealogico di ogni patronimo con le relative ramificazioni in tutto il Mondo.
Avete un legame con Corippo e desiderate condividere la vostra esperienza o semplicemente trovare i vostri antenati? Non esitate a contattarci, non ve ne pentirete.

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martedì 22 ottobre 2013

From One Corippian

After reading Luciano's post today, 22 October 2013 about some interests in Corippo future, I thought I would do a little tribute here of my own.

 Here is Corippo born Bartolomeo Arcotti, with his daughter and my grandmother Lena Arcotti on her wedding day in Salinas, California 12 June 1924.  Lena was the first of five children born to Carmelina Porcella and Bartolomeo Arcotti on a dairy in the Natividad area in Monterey county, California. Carmelina and her large family came to California from Italy in the 1880's. All of Bartolomeo's children were baptized at San Juan Bautista Mission in San Benito county, very close to their home. Lena was close to Bartolomeo all her life even up to caring for him in her home at the end. Bart has one other sibling named Angelica who also came to the US and lived in South San Francisco with her husband and four children. There are many cousins from this branch living in this part of the state. Lena was married to Frank Silva in Salinas in 1924 and raised two children. From these two, there are nine grandchildren who have spread though the Western states and raised many children of their own. There are even a few later generations starting lives.

There are many great grandchildren with Corippo roots thriving in the United States thanks to the desire of our ancestor Bartolomeo Arcotti to leave his beloved Corippo for a chance at a better opportunity.

We praise the people of Corippo for their desire to protect the past. There really are a lot of us here in America who love Corippo and hope for great success in preserving our little piece of our past for the generations yet to come.

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